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Junior-Prof. Dr. Janina Hesse

Arbeitsgruppenleiterin LIR, Juniorprofessorin

General Information
Year of Birth


Current Position

Research Group Leader, Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research (LIR), Mainz, Germany

Juniorprofessor, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

University training and degrees
2011 - 2017

PhD in Computational Neurosciences/Theoretical Biology, Bernstein Center for Computational Biology and Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany

2007 - 2011

Diploma in Physics & Cognitive Sciences, École Normale Supérieure Paris, France

Master of Science in Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, University Pierre-et-Marie-Curie Paris, France

Bachelor of Science in Physics, École Normale Supérieure Paris, France, France

2005 - 2007

Vordiplom (intermediate diploma) in Mathematics, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

Study of Physics at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

Advanced academic qualifications

Dr. rer. nat., Institute for Theoretical Biology, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Susanne Schreiber)

Postgraduate professional career
2020- 2024

PostDoc · Circadian Systems Biology · MSH Hamburg & Charité Berlin

2017 - 2019

PostDoc ·Computational Neurosciences · Humboldt-University Berlin

Other professional activities or honors
Since 2016

Spokesperson of the CRC1193 „Neurobiology of Resilience“

Since 2016

Tenure Commission at UM Mainz, Germany

Since 2015

Co-organizer of the International Symposium on Resilience Research

Since 2014

Member of Fachbereichsrat at UM Mainz, Germany

Since 2011

Chair of the Gordon Research Conference “Cannabinoid Functions in the CNS”

2008 - 2014

Chairperson of DFG Research Unit FOR926 (with A. Zimmer, Bonn, Germany)

2003 - 2004

Stipend from the Hertie-Foundation (Excellence Program in Neurosciences)


Organon Prize for Psychiatry

1990 - 1994

Fellowships from the Swiss National Foundation

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