Leibniz-Institut für Resilienzforschung gGmbH
Untere Zahlbacher Straße 8
55131 Mainz
Research Group Leader and Head of Clinical Investigation Center (CIC), Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research (LIR), Mainz, Germany
Professor and Vice-Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany
Medical School, University of Bochum, Germany
Medical School, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Habilitation for Neurology: “Neurobehavioral mechanisms of emotion processing” University of Freiburg, Germany (supervisor: Prof. C. Weiller)
Graduate program in Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, equivalent to American M.D./Ph.D. programs, Prof. Dr. W. B. Huttner, Department of Neurobiology, University of Heidelberg, Germany, graduated 02/2002 with Dr. med.
W3-Professor of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Medical Faculty of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), Germany
Clinician Adjunct (PI), Institute for Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz
Research Group Leader and Head of the Clinical Investigation Center (CIC) at the Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research (LIR), Mainz, Germany
Research Group Leader and Head of the Clinical Investigation Center (CIC) at the German Resilience Center (DRZ) Mainz, Germany
W2-Professor of Clinical Resilience Research at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the German Resilience Center (DRZ) Mainz
Vice-chair, Dept. of Psychiatry, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Director, Clinical Investigation Center (CIC), DRZ Mainz, Germany
Attending in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Board certification for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Director, Center for Clinical Trials on Mental Disorders
Lab head, Emotion Regulation and Impulse Control Imaging Group (ERIC)
Board certification for Neurology
Residency, Dept. of Psychiatry, Prof. Dr. K. Lieb, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Residency, Dept. of Psychiatry, Prof. Dr. M. Berger, University of Freiburg, Germany
Head, Emotion Regulation and Impulse Control Imaging Group (ERIC) at the Freiburg Brain Imaging, University of Freiburg, Germany
Residency, Dept. of Neurology, Prof. Dr. C. Weiller, University of Freiburg, Germany
Postdoc and supervised consultant service Div. of Neuropsychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Prof. Dr. D. Silbersweig, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY, USA
Residency (22 months), Departement of Neurology, Prof. Dr. C. Weiller, UKE, University of Hamburg, Germany
Secondo loco appointment listing for W3-Prof. (Chair), Univ. Oldenburg
EU2020-777084 “DynaMORE” personalised in-silico model of mental health in the face of adversity, e.g., stress resilience, Work package leader
Quarto loco appointment listing for W3-Prof. (Chair), Univ. Lübeck
DFG-CRC 1193 Neurobiology of resilience PI SP C04 with M. Wibral
Secondo loco appointment listing for W2-Prof. Psychiatry, Univ. of Würzburg
PI (Functional Imaging) BMBF-Collaborative Research Project Normal aging: „Transfer of cognitive training gains in cognitively healthy aging“
Landesförderung Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation: „Mainzer Resilienz-Projekt (MARP)“ Kalisch, Lieb, Nitsch, Zipp, Mobascher, Tüscher
DAAD-Stipend IAS-Programm
DFG-Stipend Graduiertenkolleg Molekulare und zelluläre Neurobiologie
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Herr Professor Dr. Oliver Tüscher ist seit 2016 Professor für klinische Resilienz Forschung an der Universitätsmedizin Mainz und dort stellvertretender Direktor in der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie und seit 2020 Arbeitsgruppen-Leiter am Leibniz-Institut für Resilienzforschung. Er hat seit 2018 keine persönlichen Honorare für Beratertätigkeiten, Fortbildungsveranstaltungen, Vorträge oder Stellungnahmen von pharmazeutischen Unternehmen oder Medizinprodukteherstellern erhalten.
Ilhan-Bayrakcı M, Cabral-Calderin Y, Bergmann TO, Tüscher O, Stroh A (2022). Individual Slow Wave Events Give Rise to Macroscopic fMRI Signatures and Drive the Strength of the BOLD Signal in Human Resting-State EEG-fMRI Recordings. Cereb Cortex. 2022 Oct 20;32(21):4782-4796. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhab516. Epub 2022 Jan 30
>> Link zu PubmedRiedel D, Fellerhoff T, Mierau A, Strüder H, Wolf D, Fischer F, Fellgiebel A, Tüscher O, Kollmann B, Knaepen K (2022). The impact of aging on interhemispheric transfer time and respective sex differences. Aging Brain 2022 Apr 4;2:100040. doi: 10.1016/j.nbas.2022.100040
>> Link zum ArtikelRiepenhausen A, Veer IM, Wackerhagen C, Reppmann ZC, Köber G, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Bögemann SA, Corrao G, Felez-Nobrega M, Abad JMH, Hermans E, van Leeuwen J, Lieb K, Lorant V, Mary-Krause M, Mediavilla R, Melchior M, Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Compagnoni MM, Pan KY, Puhlmann L, Roelofs K, Sijbrandij M, Smith P, Tüscher O, Witteveen A, Zerban M, Kalisch R, Kröger H, Walter H (2022). Coping with COVID: risk and resilience factors for mental health in a German representative panel study. Psychol Med. 2022 Mar 1;1-11. doi: 10.1017/S0033291722000563. Online ahead of print
>> Link zu PubmedSchäfer SK, Kunzler AM, Kalisch R, Tüscher O, Lieb K (2022). Trajectories of resilience and mental distress to global major disruptions. Trends Cogn Sci. 2022 Oct 24:S1364-6613(22)00238-8. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2022.09.017. Online ahead of print
>> Link zu PubmedWenzel, M., Rowland, Z., Mey, L. K., Kurth, K., Tüscher, O., & Kubiak, T. (2022). Variability in negative affect is an important feature of neuroticism above mean negative affect once measurement issues are accounted for. European Journal of Personality, 0(0). /10.1177/08902070221089139
>> Link zum Artikel