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#RESILIENCE2025: Early-Career Scientists, Short Talks, Posters, Poster Award

Poster Sessions

All attendees are invited to submit poster abstracts (max. 300 words, please give full author list and affiliations) to corinna.lindermann@lir-mainz.de. The abstract will be published in a printed booklet that will be handed out to attendees on site. No electronic versions of abstracts or posters will be distributed.

Deadline: 21.07.2025.

ECS Short Talks

Suitable poster abstracts by early-career scientists (undergraduate, PhD, or postdoctoral students) are selected for short talks. If you would like to be considered, please indicate your career stage when you submit your abstract.

Short talk speakers receive travel funding. Decisions on selected abstracts will be communicated by 26.07.2025.

ECS Travel Stipends

To come

Poster Award

The best poster will receive a poster award (€300,--).

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