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RG Bergmann

Prof. Dr Til Ole Bergmann

Research Group Leader LIR, Deptuy Head of Neuroimaging Center (NIC), Mainz, Professor of Neurostimulation


Umair Hassan, PhD student

Steven Pillen, PhD student

Inês Martins de Oliveira, Master student

Research group description

The reserach group working in neurostimulation uses non-invasive, transcranial brain stimulation techniques (TMS, TDCS, TACS, TUS) in combination with electrophysiological (EEG/MEG) and imaging (fMRI) methods to investigate the function of neuronal oscillations in the regulation of information processing and neuronal plasticity. In the future, we want to use this to better understand the neural basis of resilience and identify those neural networks and oscillations that mediate and regulate the encoding, consolidation, and reorganization (while awake and asleep) as well as the retrieval of emotional (or traumatic) memory content. The methodological focus of the group is on the simultaneous application of multi-modal measurement and stimulation methods (e.g., EEG-fMRI, TMS-EEG, TMS-fMRI, TUS-EEG) and the development of neurostimulation dependent on the brain state in real time (e.g., real-time EEG-triggered TMS/TUS).

Current research projects
  • Mechanismens for updating emotional memory traces (MEMU)
  • The sensorimotor mu rhythm as a cholinergic modulated pulse inhibition
  • The Brain Electrophysiological recording and STimulation (BEST) toolbox
External cooperation partners
  • Prof. Dr Ole Jensen, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • Prof. Dr Hartwig Siebner, Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR), Hospital Hvidovre, University of copenhagen, Denmark
  • Prof. Dr Ulf Ziemann, Neurology, University of Tübingen
  • Prof. Dr Jan Born, Department of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tübingen
  • Prof. Dr Emily Coffey, Psycholgy, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
  • Dr Christoph Zrenner, Neurology, University of Tübingen
  • Prof. Dr Christian Windischberger, Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineerin, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Dr Nigel Rogasch, Psychology, Monash University Melbourne, Australia
  • Prof. Dr. Lennart Verhagen, Donders Institute, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation
Key Publications

Bergmann TO, Hartwigsen G (2020). Inferring Causality from Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Cognitive Neuroscience. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2020;1-29. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_01591

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Siebner HR, Conde V, Tomasevic L, Thielscher A, Bergmann TO (2019). Distilling the essence of TMS-evoked EEG potentials (TEPs): A call for securing mechanistic specificity and experimental rigor. Brain Stimul 12(4):1051-1054. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2019.03.076.

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Bergmann TO, Lieb A, Zrenner C, Ziemann U (2019). Pulsed facilitation of corticospinal excitability by the sensorimotor μ-Alpha rhythm. J Neurosci 39(50):10034-10043. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1730-19.2019.

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Herring JD, Marshall TR, Esterer S, Jensen O, Bergmann TO (2018). Low-frequency alternating current stimulation rhythmically suppresses gamma-band oscillations and impairs perceptual performance. NeuroImage, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.09.047.

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Thies M, Zrenner C, Ziemann U, Bergmann TO (2018). Sensorimotor mu-alpha power is positively related to corticospinal excitability. Brain Stimul 11(5):1119-1122. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2018.06.006.

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Bergmann TO, Karabanov AN, Hartwigsen G, Thielscher A, Siebner HR (2016). Combining non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation with neuroimaging and electrophysiology: current approaches and future perspectives. NeuroImage 140:4-192.

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Herring JD, Thut G, Jensen O, Bergmann TO (2015). Attention modulates TMS-locked alpha oscillations in the visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 35(43):14435-14447.

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Staresina BP*, Bergmann TO*, Bonefond M, van der Meij R, Jensen O, Deuker L, Elger CE, Axmacher N & Fell, J. (2015). Hierarchical nesting of slow oscillations, spindles and ripples in the human hippocampus during sleep. Nature Neuroscience 18(11):1679-86. [*contributed equally]

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Jensen O, Gips B, Bergmann TO*, Bonnefond M* (2014). Temporal coding organized by coupled alpha and gamma oscillations prioritize visual processing. Trends Neurosci 37(7):357-369. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2014.04.001. (*equal contribution)

>> Link to Pubmed

Bergmann TO, Mölle M, Schmidt MA, Lindner C, Marshall L, Born J, Siebner HR (2012). EEG-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals rapid shifts in motor cortical excitability during the human sleep slow oscillation. Journal of Neuroscience 32:243-253.

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