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13.01.22 - Oliver Tüscher/Klaus Lieb, Leibniz-Institut für Resilienzforschung Mainz: resiLIR: Das Resilienz-Dashboard-Projekt des LIR (APPWAG)

27.01.22 - Julian König, Universität Köln: Modulating Emotions via Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Evidence and Mechanisms

10.02.22 - 3:00 CET - Jennifer Stevens, Emory University: Trauma resilience: Neuroimaging-based insights

24.02.22 - Lukas van Oudenhove and Boushra Dalile, KU Leuven: Gut microbial regulation of threat responses in humans

10.03.22 - Gal Sheppes, Tel Aviv University: Transcending the "good & bad" and "here & now" in emotion regulation: Implications for Resilience, Psychopathology and Psychotherapy

24.03.22 - Jonas Zaman, KU Leuven: Scrutinizing the various mechanisms contributing to generalized fears

05.05.22 - 5:00 pm CEST - David M. Lyons, Stanford University: Ecological validity of social defeat stressors in mouse models of vulnerability and resilience

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