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Never again is now! The Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research lives and loves diversity and human dignity

We have hundreds of global publications, international events and numerous partners all over the world: our research thrives on exchange and diversity. We can only flourish on the colorful soil of science. 

Every day, we work across geographical borders without being limited by cultural and social borders. Openness to the world, inclusion and diversity - these are not only attributes of our work, but also values that represent and define the entire Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research (LIR).   

We are, therefore, all the more concerned about recent developments that violate exactly these values and our foundation.  

But the past few days in January have also shown that there is no place for discriminatory, xenophobic and antisemitic ideas on the streets of Germany.    

The LIR not only stands behind the demonstrators, but also clearly and unequivocally for an open, colorful and especially, a community free of discrimination.  

We stand with, behind and for people - regardless of their origin and especially from everywhere! 

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