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Nürnberger Tage für Migration 2023 im BAMF

As part of the Nuremberg Days for Migration 2023 at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), an engaging panel delved into the topic of migration and its impact on social change. The panel featured distinguished speakers, including Parliamentary State Secretary Mahmut Ordemir from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Homeland, historian Prof. Dr. Jochen Oltmer from the University of Osnabrück, author, journalist, and human rights advocate Düzen Tekkal, MdB. Dr. Ann-Verschka Jurisch, Member of Parliament, and psychologist Dr. Donya Gilan from the Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research (LIR) gGmbH. 

 Specifically, the following aspects were explored during the discussion: 

  • How can individuals and society collectively cope with change and uncertainty brought about by migration? 

  • What does social resilience entail in a society shaped by migration, and how can we acquire and cultivate it? 

  • What responsibility do state institutions and politicians bear in establishing a framework for a more resilient society in the face of crises? 

  • What role does civil society play in contributing to this resilience? 

  • How can we create spaces where people can engage in constructive discussions—locally, at schools, or in workplaces? 

  • Furthermore, how can we shift the discourse on migration away from viewing it as an exceptional case to recognizing it as a permanent and integral aspect of our society? 

Additional information is available here.

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