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#resilience2023 - 9th International Symposium on Resilience Research

September 27-29, 2023 Mainz/Germany
(30 min. from Frankfurt International Airport)
The symposium takes place as an IN-PERSON meeting.

>> DEADLINE for registration and abstract submission until July 31<<


Covers latest developments and breakthroughs in the science of stress resilience, both in animal models and in human studies. Since 2015, the symposium is the most important gathering of the international research community and has shaped the field and initiated many important debates. Examples? Seen first at the International Symposium on Resilience Research

This year will feature discussions on how to operationalize and measure resilience and provide news from the big international consortia and large-scale cohort studies.

#resilience2023 is where it happens. Follow us on Twitter: @Resilience Res, #resilience2023 and subscribe to our mailing list for announcements and updates https://lists.uni-mainz.de/sympa/subscribe/resilience

Program & Poster


Claudi Bockting, Amsterdam UMC

Erin Calipari, Vanderbilt

Annegret Falkner, Princeton

Claire Gillan, Trinity

Quentin Huys, University College London

Frank Infurna, Arizona State

Raffael Kalisch, LIR

Göran Köber, Freiburg

Sarah Lowe, Yale

Adam Maihofer, UCSD

Roberto Mediavilla Torres, UA Madrid

Robin Murray, UCL

Papoula Petri-Romao, LIR

Jennifer Stevens, Emory

Christiaan Vinkers, Amsterdam

Jutta Winterling, LIR


Info to come soon
Name, Affiliation and Mailadress will be used in the printed booklet. Your Mailadress will be added to the Resilience-Mailinglist to inform you about future events. If you do not agree to this, please write to: symposium(at)lir-mainz.de


The symposium is organized yearly by International Resilience Alliance (intresa), the EU Horizon project DynaMORE, Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research and University Medical Center Mainz. We are part of the Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn²).

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