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Animal Welfare Committee at the LIR

The Animal Welfare Committee has the following tasks:

Every institution where laboratory animals are kept must appoint an Animal Welfare Committee in accordance with § 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 of the German Ordinance on the Protection of Laboratory Animals (TierSchVersV).

The Animal Welfare Committee shall consist of the following members:

  • at least one responsible person in accordance with § 11 TierSchG,

  • at least one person entrusted with the care of the animals

  • and at least one scientific member or a person who carries out animal experiments.

Tasks of the Animal Welfare Committee:

  • Supporting the animal welfare officers in their tasks

  • Supporting scientists in researching and introducing alternative methods to animal experiments

  • Optimization of work processes with animals in consideration of 3-R

  • Monitoring the welfare of animals

  • Advice and provision of information and optimization of internal work processes

1st Chair

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmitt

2nd Chair

Mona Flachsel (M.Sc. Biol.)

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